Mathematics Education (Signadou)


Teaching with Learning Objects:

Towards Excellence in Pedagogy for Mathematics Classrooms

    "Learning Objects" have become the new buzzwords for education, both here and overseas. Taking many possible forms, they offer exciting new possibilities for teaching and learning. This session explores some of the experiences this year as the ACT has moved towards early implementation in schools across all sectors. Do they "stand alone"? Are they "teacher-proof" or are they only as good as the teacher that uses them?

  • If one changes the tools of thinking available to a child, his mind will have a radically different structure. [Vygotsky, 1978]

  • Neither hand nor mind alone, left to itself, would amount to much. But what are these additional tools that perfect them? [Sir Francis Bacon, in Vygotsky, 1987]

  • The most effective kind of education is that a child should play among beautiful things. [Plato, 427-347 BC]

  • Education is an admirable thing, but it is as well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. [Oscar Wilde]

  • Education is not what you have learnt: rather it is what remains, once you have forgotten all that you have learnt [Ellen Key]

What constitutes excellence in teaching in teaching and learning? What are the roles of Information and Communication Technologies (and learning objects in particular) in this process? Indeed, what do we mean by a "learning object"? In seeking answers to these questions, it is necessary to be very clear about both our meanings and assumptions concerning the "big ideas" involved.

Stephen Mark ARNOLD

Room 206 Phone 02 62091142